Thursday 26 July 2007

Muhammad Haque daily world political commentary -Why UK Transport economy must be saved from big business

Muhammad Haque daily world political commentary –

Why UK Transport economy must be saved from big business

1855 Hrs GMT
London Thursday 26 July 2007

Ruth Kelly must carry out what appears to be a sensible agenda on the UK government’s role in the future of the country's railway system

She must grasp the nettle and expose Big Business for what they are - over-paid, over-protected, over-indulged robbers who have caused the transport crisis we face today. That crisis could have been avoided if there had been better - 'prudent' to coin a telling phrase - used had been made of the money that Big Business has pocketed over decades in the name of providing a decent service

Ruth Kelly can transform her political profile into one of being relevant to the needs and the genuine thoughts of ordinary people.

Her start must be with the overdue rejection of Big Business’s approaches.

[To be continued]